What to Eat for Healthier Teeth

Most people already realize that what they eat has a significant impact on their overall health and wellbeing. For instance, if you don’t eat right, then you’re more likely to suffer consequences like obesity, diabetes, and complications with your cardiovascular health. What you may not realize, however, is that the same is true for your smile. Eating enough of the right combination of nutrients will help ensure that your teeth and gums remain strong and healthy for life. If you aren’t sure what to eat to promote healthier teeth, then follow our advice below and speak with your dentist about your eating habits during your next visit! (more…)

Am I Flossing Right?

am-i-flossing-rightAs an essential part of a good hygiene routine, flossing your teeth every day is the only way to remove the plaque and food particles that accumulate between your teeth. Otherwise, the oral bacteria in plaque, which feed on these food particles, can lead to chronic issues like tooth decay and gum disease. Yet even if you do floss every day, doing so incorrectly can still leave you susceptible to dental problems. Incorrect flossing can leave behind plaque to calcify into tartar or harm the gum tissues around your teeth. Fortunately, your dentist can tell if you’re flossing right, or if you may need to make improvements to your daily hygiene routine. (more…)

What Is Your Bad Breath Trying to Say?

what-is-your-bad-breath-trying-to-sayWhen your breath isn’t fresh, it can do more than embarrass you. It can also be trying to tell you something, like maybe you should brush and floss your teeth. When bad breath doesn’t go away, its message might be more serious, like your dental hygiene has been lacking for too long, or you have a dental issue that should be addressed as soon as possible. The best way to find relief is to find out what your bad breath is trying to say, and you can do that successfully by visiting and speaking with your dentist about your options. (more…)

2 Reasons to Never Ignore a Toothache

2-reasons-to-never-ignore-a-toothacheIf your tooth hurts enough to disrupt your daily activities, like eating and drinking, then you might not hesitate to seek treatment at your dentist’s office as soon as possible. But if your tooth only feels a little sensitive and doesn’t throb or ache severely, then you might be tempted to write it off as a minor annoyance and pay it little or no mind. Whether mild or severe, there are several reasons why you should never ignore a toothache; otherwise, it’ll grow worse, and you’ll need more complex treatment to alleviate it. (more…)

Important Facts About Oral Cancer Screening

important-facts-about-oral-cancer-screeningIt’s not as frequently talked about as many other cancers, but oral cancer is one of the deadliest and most prevalent cancers of them all. Every year, more than 40,000 people in America are diagnosed with the disease, and every year, more than 8,000 people lose their battle with it. The good news, though, is that oral cancer is usually more successfully beaten when it’s detected and treated early. The best way to ensure early detection is to allow your dentist to examine your mouth routinely, and to know the important facts about oral cancer screening even when you’re at home. (more…)

How to Reconstruct a Smile with Dental Implants

how-to-reconstruct-a-smile-with-dental-implantsTooth loss may still be a concern for many patients, but with the lifelike restorative benefits of dental implants, it doesn’t have to be such a profound issue. Implants are essentially prosthetic roots for your replacement teeth; the small, biocompatible posts are inserted into the jawbone, then connected to a prosthetic crown, bridge, or denture. The ability to mimic natural teeth roots often makes dental implants the ideal solution for reconstructing smiles that have suffered tooth loss. (more…)

Why Tooth Loss Is Still a Thing

why-tooth-loss-is-still-a-thingOver the centuries, personal hygiene and professional dental care have come a long way. In the early 20th century, we developed standards for caring for our own teeth at home, as well as materials that help us create lifelike cosmetic and reconstructive restorations. We’ve also learned a lot about why people lose teeth, how to prevent it, and how best to replace teeth that can’t be saved. Since tooth loss is still something to worry about, prosthetic options for replacing lost teeth still remain a significant part of dental treatment for many people. (more…)

Dental Restorations that Improve Your Smile’s Appearance!

dental-restorations-that-improve-your-smiles-appearanceWhen one or more of your teeth develops a cavity, becomes worn down, or suffers a fracture or break, the most important concern is to repair the damage.

That’s the point of restorative dentistry, but with today’s advanced materials and dental technology, your dental restoration can also improve your smile’s appearance significantly. From tooth-colored fillings to highly lifelike crowns and dental implants restorations, the right treatment option can help you once again enjoy the confidence of a beautiful, healthy smile! (more…)

Questions for Your Cosmetic Dentist

questions-for-cosmetic-dentistAre you wondering what’s the best way to brighten a stained smile, or how to treat a cavity without your filling being obvious to the world? Cosmetic dentistry entails a number of ways to improve your smile’s appearance, as well as its health and integrity. By speaking with your dentist, you can decide with treatment is the best one for you. If you have more questions for your cosmetic dentist, then call our office today to schedule an appointment! (more…)

When Grinding Your Teeth Becomes a Headache

when-grinding-your-teeth-becomes-a-headacheThere are almost countless potential reasons behind a common headache, but when the pain frequently comes back, then the underlying problem may be more serious than you realize at first. For instance, patients with bruxism can experience chronic headaches and migraines due to the pressure of constantly grinding their teeth. If you suffer from recurring headaches and haven’t discovered why, then your dentist can help determine if bruxism is the cause and recommend customized treatment to help you alleviate the pain. (more…)