Month: October 2019

When to Visit Your Dentist About a Headache

Your dentist might not be the first person you consider visiting when you suffer from chronic headaches. After at-home remedies and over-the-counter medications fail to keep your headaches at bay, many people consider seeing their doctors to see if there’s something more serious to worry about. However, for many people, the source of their chronic… Read more »

Why Bad Breath Is More Troublesome than You Think

Despite being a common punch line, bad breath is no joke to those who experience it. In addition to the embarrassment of always knowing your breath smells, there’s also the frustration of failing to rid yourself of it, no matter how many remedies you try. The more you try such remedies, the longer it can… Read more »

3 Easy Ways to Transform Your Smile’s Appearance

Keeping your smile healthy is an ongoing process, and when successful, you can avoid many of the concerns that can affect your teeth and gums. However, even with excellent care and dental maintenance, you may still develop cosmetic concerns with your smile’s appearance, and the ability to correct those concerns is an important aspect of… Read more »

Things that Make Bruxism a Serious Problem

Grinding your teeth too often can be a serious problem, but for many people who do it, it might not be obvious at first. Known as bruxism, the constant and subconscious habit of grinding teeth together affects millions of people of all ages, many of whom aren’t aware of it until their dentists officially diagnose… Read more »