Got a Chronic Headache? Tell Your Dentist

got a chronic headache - tell your dentistIf you have a toothache doesn’t go away, or grows worse, then you would probably tell your dentist about it the next time you visit. But not many people think to discuss their chronic headaches or migraines with their dentists. Sometimes, a headache that persist no matter how hard you try to relieve it can indicate an issue with your dental health or the way your bite functions. To find out, visit your dentist as soon as possible to discuss your chronic headache and determine if a dental issue is to blame. (more…)

3 Important Advantages of Digital X-Rays

3 Important Advantages of Digital X-RaysYour dentist’s goal isn’t just to make your smile the best it can be; it’s also to protect your oral and overall health in the long run. To that end, digital radiography has become an important advantage in dental healthcare, allowing doctors to provide safe, fast, and highly accurate images for more precise diagnoses. Compared to traditional radiography, digital X-rays provide a wealth of advantages, three of which we explore further below. (more…)

Important Facts About Gum Disease Prevention

important facts about gum disease preventionThe most effective way to let gum disease have its way with your smile is to sit back and do nothing. Left to their own devices, the oral bacteria that make up plaque and tartar will simply multiply until their numbers are great enough to infect your gums and periodontal tissues. Fortunately, preventing gum disease is almost as simple as allowing it to progress. Even if it does develop, you can still have a chance of stopping it from becoming too severe and threatening the rest of your oral health. (more…)

How Dental Implants Stop Facial Collapse

dental implants stop facial collapseAlthough there are immediately noticeable effects of missing teeth, like the way your smile looks compared to before you lost teeth, they are not the only consequences. Another is called facial collapse – the gradual process of your jawbone losing density and your surrounding facial structures sagging as a result.

Facial collapse is the result of a drop in nutrients being fed to your jawbone thanks to the loss of one, several, or all of your teeth roots. Today, we explore how dental implants can help stop facial collapse by reestablishing the stimulation of roots within your jawbone. (more…)

Is My Toothache an Emergency?

is my toothache an emergencyA sudden, severe toothache is one of the most common symptoms of a dental emergency (which typically involves harm to one or more of your teeth). But toothaches can also indicate issues that aren’t exactly an emergency. You will still need to seek dental treatment to alleviate them, just not immediately. If you aren’t sure why your tooth hurts, or whether or not it’s an emergency, then you should call your dentist as soon as possible to schedule an exam. (more…)

Dr. Berk – On a Mission in Ecuador

Dr.Berk - Ecuador (6)

Recently, Dr. Berk embarked on a charity mission trip to Ecuador, where he joined a team administering dental care to underprivileged children. During the week they were away, Dr. Berk and his wife spent long days, sometimes 12 hours with barely a break, providing restorative treatment like fillings and the extraction of infected teeth.

Many vital supplies were donated to help those who were poor and lived in rural areas gain access to necessary dental care. To help further ensure that the inhabitants received all they needed, Dr. Berk and his wife paid for all of his and his wife’s travels and expenses to be a part of such a wonderful mission.

Questions About TMJ Disorder

questions about tmj disorderFinding answers to questions about TMJ disorder isn’t always as simple as finding answers about cavities or gum disease. TMJ disorder isn’t as common as these issues, and because its causes and symptoms vary widely, it is often misdiagnosed or disregarded as a non-issue. Yet, if you suffer from TMJ disorder, then its symptoms and its interference with your bite can have a significant impact on your overall quality of life. Therefore, we take some time to answer common questions about TMJ disorder, and how to treat it if it develops. (more…)

3D Digital Impressions for High-Tech Restorations

3D Digital Impressions for High-Tech RestorationsToday’s dental restorations are specifically designed for your unique needs, meaning your dental crown or bridge will be designed to mimic your natural teeth and oral structures. To accomplish the realism necessary to restore your smile, your dentist will need to take impressions of your teeth and dental ridges to guide your restoration’s design.

While conventional, material impressions are still necessary in some cases, most patients can enjoy a cleaner, more convenient process through digital imaging. The Trios 3Shape digital impression scanner creates a 3D color model of your teeth, which can then be used to digitally create your modern dental restoration. (more…)

Your Dentist’s Tips to Beat Bad Breath

your dentist's tips to beat bad breathBreath mints, breath strips, breath spray, mouthwash, sugarless chewing gum – other than brushing and flossing your teeth, these are among the most popular methods of freshening bad breath on a moment’s notice. Unfortunately, they’re not always as effective as you might wish, depending on the cause of your persistently bad breath.

Most often, bad breath is actually a foul-smelling sulfur gas released by certain oral bacteria, and fresher breath means controlling your mouth’s microbial population. The good news is that your dentist can help you keep your breath as fresh as your smile is beautiful with a few tips to combat the source of chronic bad breath. (more…)