Oral Cancer Screenings

When Was Your Last Oral Cancer Screening?

Oral cancer is more common than you might think. The American Cancer Society estimates that over 35,000 people in the United States will develop oral cancer each year. Out of this number, about 8,000 will succumb to the disease. By knowing the risk factors for oral cancer, you can change your habits and increase your awareness. The most common risk factors include:

  • Age
  • Tobacco use
  • Heavy alcohol use
  • Family history
  • Excessive UV exposure

If found and addressed early, oral cancer may not claim your life. The American Cancer Society recommends having your dentist check for oral cancer during every routine preventive dentistry appointment. This is why we offer visual oral cancer screenings, often performed with help of the innovative VELscope system.

Self-Screening at Home

Your dentist will perform a thorough oral cancer screening during every preventive appointment, but you can also perform one at home (and should, at least once a month). Even if it isn’t time for your next checkup, you should call us and schedule a visit immediately if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • Chronic throat pain
  • Recurring earaches
  • Dramatic weight loss
  • A change in how your teeth fit together
  • A change in your voice
  • Any other unexplained changes to your oral health

Take oral cancer screening seriously

For people who develop oral cancer, early detection is essential to the success of their treatment. Schedule an appointment by calling Syosset Dental today at 516-433-2211 or 516-921-1678. We proudly serve the residents of Syosset, Long Island, Nassau, Suffolk, and all surrounding New York City communities.