Your Dentist’s Tips to Beat Bad Breath

your dentist's tips to beat bad breathBreath mints, breath strips, breath spray, mouthwash, sugarless chewing gum – other than brushing and flossing your teeth, these are among the most popular methods of freshening bad breath on a moment’s notice. Unfortunately, they’re not always as effective as you might wish, depending on the cause of your persistently bad breath.

Most often, bad breath is actually a foul-smelling sulfur gas released by certain oral bacteria, and fresher breath means controlling your mouth’s microbial population. The good news is that your dentist can help you keep your breath as fresh as your smile is beautiful with a few tips to combat the source of chronic bad breath. (more…)

What You Should Know About Tooth Loss

what you should know about tooth lossKnowing the pros and cons of your teeth replacement options can help you choose a set of replacement teeth that most closely mimics your natural ones. Dental implants, which are small prosthetic roots that are surgically inserted into the jawbone, are the only devices that can replace the roots of missing teeth, no matter how many teeth you’ve lost.

However, knowing how tooth loss occurs and taking the steps necessary to prevent it can help you preserve your natural smile, which is typically preferable to restoring it. Today, we take time to talk about tooth loss, especially how you can prevent it with proper care and maintenance. (more…)

Key Preventive Care for Your Smile this Summer

Prevent Dental Problems This Summer with Preventive CareWhatever your summer plans might entail, whether they involve exotic vacations or laidback evenings spent at your own home, it is important that you include diligent dental hygiene routine as part of your summer schedule. Otherwise your smile could suffer from cavities, gum disease and other oral health concerns. Fortunately, preventive dentistry is simpler than many people think. It just requires a commitment to caring for your smile daily, through routine hygiene, and attending preventive checkups and professional cleanings! (more…)

Could Your Tooth Use a Dental Crown?

could your tooth use a dental crownYour teeth are strong (in fact, they’re the strongest parts of your body), but they can sustain damage or become infected with tooth decay under the right circumstances. Because they are not impervious, compromised teeth often rely on the protective strength of a dental crown to continue functioning properly.

There are several reasons why your tooth could use a dental crown, from structural damage like cracks and fractures to weakness due to a sizable restoration, like a large filling. Also, many teeth that require root canal therapy become hollowed and brittle and therefore require the structural support of a crown. When combined with a dental implant, a crown can also serve as a lifelike replacement for a lost or extracted tooth. (more…)

3 Reasons Porcelain Veneers are Popular

3 reasons porcelain veneers are so popularImproving your smile’s appearance can have a significant positive affect on your overall self-confidence. But when you have more than one issue to contend with, such as discolored, misaligned, chipped, and malformed teeth, improving your smile may seem like a challenge.

The good news is that with porcelain veneers, which are becoming increasingly more popular, you may be able to address all of your cosmetic smile concerns at once, and with minimal effort. (more…)

Why Are Dental Cleanings So Important?

why are dental cleanings so importantDespite the fact that it’s common knowledge, may patients do not fully realize the importance of maintaining regular dental visits. Or, the role that preventive dentistry plays in preserving their natural, heathy, beautiful smiles.

The general rule is to attend a dental cleaning and checkup at least once every six months. However, if your smile is in trouble, then you might require more frequent visits to bring your dental health back under control. By sticking to your regularly-scheduled dental cleaning appointments, however, you can reduce the risks of having to visit more often, or needing extensive restorative treatment later. (more…)

What is Full-Mouth Rehabilitation?

what is full-mouth rehabilitationRestoring your dental health can often involve addressing a number of equally important issues that must be resolved as soon as possible. For the sake of time, and to reduce the amount of treatments that your smile must endure, addressing your smile as a whole is typically the preferable solution.  If you have several teeth (or other dental issues) that must be tended to simultaneously, then full-mouth rehabilitation may be the best way to rebuild your smile’s health, beauty, and functionality. (more…)

About Oral Cancer, and How to Detect It

about oral cancer, and how to detect itThe point of your routine dental checkup and cleaning appointments is to prevent common dental issues from forming, or from growing worse. As part of your regular appointments, your dentist will also conduct thorough screenings to make sure there are no early warning signs of oral cancer development. Routine screenings increase the likelihood of detecting the disease in its earliest stages, which increases the chances of successful treatment, if treatment becomes necessary. (more…)

Do You Have Questions About Dental Implants?

shutterstock_121961872If you’re missing a tooth (or multiple teeth) your dentist may recommend dental implants. While implants are a great way to restore the complete functionality and cosmetic appeal of your smile, the process can seem overwhelming at first. That’s why many patients forget their questions and concerns until later – but don’t worry! Whether you’re curious about the procedure itself, the overall process, or even just how a dental implant works – you’re not the only one who has questions about dental implants. Plus, you’ve come to the right place to get your answers! (more…)

What Causes Tooth Discoloration?

shutterstock_63678880Tooth discoloration can cause you to become embarrassed or ashamed of your smile, keeping you from showing your teeth. Unfortunately, there are many factors that can cause your teeth to become stained. For example, age certainly plays a large role in the color of your teeth because dentin (the white, inner structure of the tooth) naturally yellows over time. However, there are other outside factors that you can actually avoid to prevent your teeth from becoming further stained or discolored – like foods, drinks, tobacco, etc. So, how do these stains occur? (more…)