Why Won’t Home Remedies Work for Bad Breath?

When dealing with consistently bad breath, you might be tempted to try all sorts of home remedies to try and eliminate it. Depending on the remedy itself and the source of your bad breath, some of them may provide a small amount of relief – at least, temporarily. However, for patients in Syosset who can’t free themselves of bad breath on their own, the only real solution is to seek professional help from their dentist. (more…)

A Few Important Things About Oral Cancer

Oral cancer is a collective term that can include cancers in several different areas of the mouth, including your lips, gums, cheeks, tongue, and the roof and/or floor of the mouth, to name just a few. Similar to other head and neck cancers, oral cancer can produce several different symptoms, and patients in Syosset who spot such signs early have a better chance at successfully treating it, if necessary. Today, we take a brief look at a few important things about oral cancer, including how your dentist can significantly improve your chances of early detection and successful treatment. (more…)

How Well Do You Know Sleep Apnea?

Despite the fact that sleep apnea affects millions of patients across the world, it remains one of the lesser-known chronic health conditions. Even patients who have it don’t always understand what it means, or recognize that they have sleep apnea at all. Fortunately, patients in Syosset, NY, who suffer from sleep apnea and its numerous effects can often find more information about their condition, including how to treat it, at their dentist’s office. (more…)

The Details of TMJ Disorder

The thing about temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder is that its details differ from patient to patient. From the exact cause of your jaw joint disorder to the specific type of damage or discomfort that describes your condition, TMJ disorder varies according to several different factors. For many patients in Syosset, NY, finding relief from the disorder requires a thorough and precise diagnosis so the dentist can develop a treatment plan according to the details of each unique case.


Why Gum Disease Can Be a Lifelong Concern

Gum disease is often the kind of thing that people don’t think about until they have to. Despite the fact that it affects a majority of adult patients, it can seem insignificant (or remain completely undetected) in its earliest stages. However, once it reaches its more advanced stages, gum disease can become more severe and its symptoms increasingly more prominent. Fortunately, patients in Syosset, NY, can successfully deal with gum disease and its potential lifelong effects with help from their dentist. (more…)

Are You Considering Dental Implants? Here’s What to Know

Tooth loss can affect everyone to varying degrees, and therefore, choosing the best way to address it depends on your unique needs and preferences. In most cases, patients in Syosset, NY, benefit most from choosing dental implants, which are prosthetic posts that support a dental crown, bridge, or denture. The addition of dental implants gives your replacement teeth a much higher level of comfort and stability by closely mimicking the structures and functions of your lost teeth roots. (more…)

What Will It Take to Rehabilitate Your Smile?

Restoring your smile is generally a much simpler and more effective process these days thanks to innovative dental technologies and materials. This is especially good news for patients in Syosset, NY, who have several different dental health issues to deal with. Full-mouth rehabilitation is the process of developing a customized plan that takes all of these concerns into account and allows your dentist to preserve a maximum amount of your healthy, natural tooth structure. With the advanced, minimally invasive nature of today’s cosmetic and restorative dental treatments, we can fully rehabilitate your smile with more comprehensive and lifelike results than ever before. (more…)

What Advantages Do Modern Tooth Fillings Offer?

No matter how advanced dental treatments have become, there are still several common concerns that often threaten people’s smiles. Cavities, which are the result of bacteria infecting healthy tooth structure (known as tooth decay), are the most frequent of such concerns. They’re highly preventable with consistently excellent hygiene and regular preventive dental car, but it doesn’t take much for oral bacteria to slip past your defenses once in a while. When it does, patients in Syosset, NY, can often treat their cavities comfortably and conveniently with a custom-designed, tooth-colored filling. (more…)

3 Things that Affect Your Smile’s Appearance

Given the high impact that your smile has on your overall facial appearance, wanting yours to be beautiful and healthy-looking is natural. If you aren’t proud of its appearance, then you may be less likely to show your smile and the effect can significantly impact your self-confidence. Fortunately for patients in Syosset, NY, many of the common issues that affect your smile’s appearance can be easily and effectively corrected with custom cosmetic dental treatment. (more…)

A Few Tips to Prevent Tooth Loss

The thing about most dental health issues is that they can seem inevitable. After all, tooth decay affects over 90% of adults at some point in their lives, and gum disease over 70%, despite the fact that many people know how to care for their smiles properly. Likewise, tooth loss affects over half of adults to varying degrees, which is why many patients in Syosset don’t realize that it’s possible to prevent losing teeth with the right care and maintenance. (more…)