Snoring has long been portrayed in movies, TV shows, and comedy acts as hilarious, and often the noise serves as the punch line to a joke. If you or a loved one snores often, however, then you may not find the situation very humorous. Snoring can interrupt your sleep, leading to grumpiness, grogginess, and other symptoms associated with sleep deprivation. In some cases, snoring can indicate a more serious condition called obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA. Those who suffer from OSA are often unaware that they are being deprived of much-needed deep sleep. Partners of OSA sufferers, however, know well that something is wrong due to the thunderous snoring that marks the condition. As a dentist in Syosset, Dr. Richard Kobak can treat your sleep apnea and help you achieve the rest you need.
How Does Sleep Apnea Deprive You of Sleep?
You may wonder how sleep deprivation is possible without your knowledge. After all, shouldn’t you know if you’re awake? Actually, sleep apnea disrupts the deep sleep, or REM sleep, that your mind and body need to rejuvenate. (more…)