Obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA, is a sleep disorder that millions of people have, but many of them don’t know it. The condition occurs when mouth and throat tissues collapse into the airway, making it impossible to breathe for several moments while you sleep. Your body will clear its airway automatically, often without even rousing you from consciousness, but the interruption can have more serious consequences than it may seem at first. Today, we examine the importance of knowing if you have sleep apnea, and why we might suggest undergoing a sleep study with help of a trusted pulmonologist. (more…)
Lost a Tooth? Learn Why, and How to Deal With It
Under ideal circumstances, consistently good hygiene and a strict schedule of preventive dental care could help you preserve all of your healthy, natural teeth for life. However, circumstances are never ideal, and tooth loss remains a big problem for many patients. Fortunately, there are ideal solutions for dealing with lost teeth and preserving the rest of your healthy, natural smile afterward. For example, by replacing the lost tooth and taking steps to reduce your risks of losing more, we can help you fully restore your smile’s appearance, your bite’s function, and much more. (more…)
Digital Enhancements that Improve the Quality of Your Care
There are many things that contribute to the overall quality of your dental care. For instance, the level of comfort your feel when you visit your dentist, and the skill with which your dentist can address all of your concerns are paramount. However, these days, technology plays an increasingly more important role in high-quality dental care, and more advanced tech can mean a much higher level of comfort and precision in your care. Today, we examine a few a of the more important ways in which digital technology enhances the quality of care we can provide to all of our patients. (more…)
What Your Dentist Wants You to Know About Oral Cancer
If you have a question about your oral health, then naturally, your dentist wants you to ask it. However, many people don’t know enough about oral cancer or the risks that it poses to their wellbeing to ask their dentists if they’re at risk. Fortunately, you should automatically receive routine oral cancer screenings during your regular dental checkup and cleaning appointments. At our office, the screening includes a comprehensive visual inspection, and in some cases, the use of advanced VELscope technology for earlier, more precise diagnosis. (more…)
What Can Cosmetic Bonding Really Do for Your Tooth?
Sometimes, improving your smile doesn’t seem as straight-forward as you’d wish. For example, teeth-whitening might not erase certain kinds of teeth stains; or, a tooth might need improvement, but not enough to permanently alter its structure. In many cases, cosmetic tooth bonding can provide an effective solution to improve seemingly complex smile issues in a simple, minimally invasive manner. For many patients, bonding a tooth can significantly improve your smile’s appearance, and without the need for complex or multiple cosmetic dental treatments. (more…)
Why You Should Tell Your Dentist if You Snore
If you snore too much and decided to seek treatment for it, would you know who to turn to? Many people don’t think to talk to their dentists about their snoring habit. However, your dentist may be the most qualified one to help you stop, and to address the underlying sleep disorder that it may indicate. Quite often, snoring and its associated disorder, sleep apnea, are caused an abnormality in your mouth and/or throat tissues, which partially or completely obstructs your airway while you sleep. In many cases, we can help patients address their condition and prevent airway obstruction with the help of a custom-made sleep appliance. (more…)
3 Thing Advanced Dental Technology Makes A Lot Easier
Some things can’t be automated or delegated technology, like properly caring for your smile. However, the dental health field has always been a showcase of contemporary technology. These days, there are several different innovations that vastly improve the quality of most diagnostic services and treatment options. From offering clearer, more detailed images of your teeth and oral structures, to more accurately diagnosing bite problems or crafting lifelike restorations, technology makes caring for your smile easier. It also reduces the amount of time you spend in the chair and enhances the results of your treatment. (more…)
What You Might Not Realize About Dental Implants
There are many reasons why people lost teeth. Whether from accidental trauma, severe dental disease, or some other reason, the fact that one or more teeth are missing can mean several different things for your smile. The goal of replacing your lost teeth is to rebuild your smile and prevent the consequences of tooth from growing more severe. For many patients, the most effective and biocompatible way to do that is with the help of one or more dental implant posts. (more…)
The Link Between Eating Habits and Oral Health
Besides filling out your smile and playing a huge role in its appearance, your teeth also serve several important functions, like processing your food every time you eat. Because of their role, your teeth can be highly influenced by the content of what you eat. For better or worse, your diet and eating habits can be a significant aspect of your overall oral health care. Today, we examine a few of those habits and how they can affect your immediate and long-term oral health. (more…)
3 Aspects of Your Oral Health that Gum Disease Threatens
If you’ve never been diagnosed with gum disease, then the threat that it can pose can seem distant and not very immediately concerning. However, just because you haven’t been diagnosed doesn’t mean it isn’t a threat, especially if it’s been a while since you’ve attended a professional dental examination. Unfortunately, many people fail to realize that they have gum disease for that very reason, and by the time they are diagnosed, it has already affected several different aspects of their oral health. (more…)