Why Oral Cancer Screenings Are Vital

When most people think of routine preventive care, they realize the importance of keeping their smiles healthy from things like tooth decay and gum disease. However, during every routine dental visit, you’ll also undergo comprehensive oral cancer screening to specifically check for potential signs of oral cancer development. In addition to more common conditions with your tooth structure and/or gum tissues, oral cancer can often manifest in early warning signs that may be hard to see on your own. With routine screening and the use of advanced imaging technology, we can help you significantly improve your chances of detecting these signs and taking appropriate action as soon as possible. (more…)

Is There Such a Thing as Snoring Too Much?

For many people, snoring is the kind of thing that’s easy to overlook. Either it doesn’t really occur that often, or it isn’t such an annoyance as to cause problems for the snorer’s sleeping partner. However, even when snoring does become annoying, many people who experience it don’t realize that the problems it can cause may have a lasting influence on their wellbeing. Today, we examine why snoring too much can be more detrimental than you realize, and the underlying sleep disorder that often hides behind chronic snoring. (more…)

How to Avoid Serious Tooth Damage

As the most-used parts of your body, your teeth go through a lot every day. Fortunately, they’re designed to do a lot without sustaining any damage or becoming significantly worn down. This is important not only to your bite’s function, but also to the long-term state of your oral health. When a tooth becomes damaged, the fracture, break, or other compromised part of your tooth won’t be able to heal itself. While you can restore your tooth with custom restorative dental treatment, it’s often more beneficial to avoid causing any damage to your tooth structure from occurring. (more…)

What Makes Plaque a Threat to Your Smile?

Most people recognize the term, dental plaque, and the fact that it’s something they shouldn’t allow to remain on their teeth for long. However, not everyone realizes the specific threats that plaque buildup can pose to their smiles, or how those threats can manifest long before they realize it. As the basis for many of the most common oral health concerns, including destructive tooth decay and severe periodontal (gum) disease, plaque buildup is one of the most consistent threats your smile faces. (more…)

Relieving Tooth Sensitivity When It’s Minor

When a tooth hurts severely, the only way to relieve it is often to seek professional dental treatment. However, for many people, minor tooth sensitivity can be an early indication that their at-home dental care routines can use some improvement. If addressed early enough, some minor cases of tooth sensitivity might be relieved and reversed with a few at-home strategies to make them stronger. Today, we take a look at a few of these strategies, and why you should take measures to protect your teeth as soon as they start to feel sensitive. (more…)

How to Make Your Teeth Even Stronger

Good dental hygiene is such a well-known staple of maintaining good dental health that most people already recognize its importance. However, some people also believe that all they need is a good hygiene routine to properly protect their teeth, even if they aren’t always exactly consistent with it. The truth is that your teeth have to remain strong in order to remain healthy, and in addition to consistency in your routine, you may also boost their strength with these few everyday tips. (more…)

Could Your Dental Hygiene Be More Effective?

Practicing dental hygiene can sometimes feel like homework. Your task is to brush and floss your teeth every day, and your dentist will grade your efforts the next time you visit. In the meantime, however, that feeling can cause many people to take their hygiene routines less seriously than they should. The goal isn’t to impress your dentist, but to save your smile and oral health from the development of potentially serious concerns. When you refocus your efforts on that goal, the importance of a consistently effective dental hygiene routine becomes much more apparent. (more…)

How to Know if Your Dental Concern Is an Emergency

Sometimes, dental emergencies aren’t what you expect. On one hand, you may think your current concerns are not that serious, and addressing them can be put off. On the other hand, you may think you have an emergency that turns out to be much less serious than you expected. Today, we take a look at how to know if your dental concern is an emergency, and if it warrants an immediate dental appointment and treatment. (more…)

Are There Specific Risk Factors for Sleep Apnea?

For many common oral health concerns, there are specific risk factors to developing that, usually, are easy to control once you identify them. For example, tooth decay and gum disease develop from excessive oral bacteria buildup. Therefore, inadequate dental hygiene and preventive care are two of the biggest risk factors for developing it. Some concerns, however, don’t have singular causes, like oral bacteria, to defend against. For example, patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) can have many varying contributing factors to their condition, and addressing them may require completely different levels of care than it does for other patients. (more…)

How Gum Disease Could Raise Your Heart Health Risks

When your dentist tells you that you have gum disease, the need to treat it can be more serious than you might realize. As one of the most common chronic oral health conditions, many people will have to deal with gum disease at some point in their lives. In addition to some of the more well-known threats that gum disease can pose to your oral health, including tooth loss, there are also more profound ways in which gum disease can impact your overall systemic health. In cases where gum disease has become severe, these can include significant risks to your heart health. (more…)