Helping Your Smile Recover from Multiple Concerns

With the right dental treatment, most oral health concerns can be addressed more conveniently than many people expect. For many people, however, their smiles are impacted by more than just one problem, and restoring their smiles can require addressing multiple issues of different natures and extents. To fully restore your oral health and bite function while minimizing the overall extent of your treatment, you may benefit from a custom-designed, full-mouth rehabilitation plan. (more…)

How a Tooth Filling Prevents the Need for a Root Canal

When you develop a cavity, the most frequent treatment recommendation is to fill it with a customized, biocompatible filling material. For most people who get cavities, a tooth filling can be the most effective and conservative way to treat it and preserve their teeth. However, this depends on treating the cavity while it’s still in its mild or moderate stages. The earlier, the better, or the cavity may grow too severe for a filling to successfully treat it. Today, we explore how a tooth filling can stop your cavity and tooth decay from getting worse, and help you avoid the need for more extensive root canal treatment to save the tooth later. (more…)

Why Modern Dental Crowns Come in Different Sizes

Dental crowns have been a popular way for restoring and saving teeth for a long time, but today’s version of the restoration isn’t always what people expect. While most people are familiar with traditional, or complete, dental crowns that completely cap a tooth’s visible structure, not every crown today is designed the same. Today, we look at why and how modern dental crowns come in different sizes, and why a partial crown (or onlay) may be the better option for dealing with certain types of tooth damage. (more…)

Non-Cosmetic Benefits of Gum Contouring

When it comes to improving the appearance of your smile, there are often several benefits that go beyond just enhancing your level of self-confidence. Many of the issues that impact your smile’s appearance also affect your oral health in different, often negative ways. By addressing them with the right treatment, you can improve the long-term state of your oral health as well as the esthetics of your smile. For example, gum contouring is often considered a cosmetic treatment designed to address a gummy smile. Yet, the advantages to straightening an uneven gum line with personalized contouring can go well beyond improving how your gums look as they frame your teeth. (more…)

What Does It Mean When Your Jaw Pops or Clicks?

When you bite and chew your food, speak, smile, or laugh, the joints that control your jaw’s movement should operate smoothly. Known as temporomandibular joints, or TMJs, they’re meant to move together, at the same time and to the same degree, every time your bite moves. If you experience a popping or clicking sensation in your jaws when you open and/or close them a certain way, then it could indicate that your TMJs aren’t operating as smoothly as they’re meant to. (more…)

Who Do You Call When You Can’t Stop Snoring?

A snoring habit isn’t typically the kind of condition you would automatically consider calling your dentist for. In fact, many people who snore chronically don’t even consider it a problem worth calling anyone for. However, the truth is that chronic snoring can become problematic for many different reasons, especially if it’s an indication of a deeper sleeping disorder, such as obstructive sleep apnea. If you do suffer from chronic snoring or sleep apnea, then your dentist may be able to help you address it comfortably with a custom-designed sleep appliance. (more…)

Are You Raising Your Risks of Tooth Loss Without Knowing?

The most common causes of adult tooth loss are things that can often be prevented or controlled with proper oral health care and maintenance. However, just because they can be controlled doesn’t mean that doing so is always easy. For some people, there are many different factors that can increase their risks of developing oral health concerns and experiencing tooth loss. Some of these aren’t obvious, and until you can recognize them, you may also be raising your risk of tooth loss without realizing it. (more…)

Dental Concerns that Are More Serious than They Seem

When many people think of severe oral health concerns, they think of intense discomfort in and around their teeth, or noticeable damage to their teeth and oral tissues. While this is sometimes the case, it isn’t always. What can eventually become a serious concern for your oral health may only seem like a minor annoyance at first. Today, we examine a few dental health concerns that might not seem serious in the beginning, but that could spell significant trouble for your oral health if they aren’t addressed as soon as possible. (more…)

Key Questions About Preventive Dental Care

Most people recognize preventive dental care as the routine checkups and cleanings that they need to schedule on a routine basis. Many people also recognize the connection between their daily dental hygiene routine and the success of their overall preventive dental care. However, there are still many questions that you might have about the point and processes of your preventive dental health care. Today, we answer a few of them, including what happens when prevention fails and you develop an oral health concern. (more…)

When Chronic Headaches Are an Oral Health Problem

If you developed a chronic ache or recurring pain in any other part of your body, it would probably alarm you enough to visit your doctor or dentist about. Yet, when many people experience a headache, its specific cause doesn’t always seem to matter much. Given the severity of the headache, the only thing that matters in the moment may be finding relief, and when it’s over, it can seem like whatever caused it has subsided, as well. Today, we examine when chronic headaches may be related to an oral health problem, and why your dentist could offer you the best option for finding lasting relief from them. (more…)