Month: January 2022

Perfecting Your Smile With Gum Contouring

syosset gum contouring

Our cosmetic procedures aren’t just focused on the shape and color of your teeth. We also have a unique treatment to sculpt the gums and address common esthetic issues, such as a gummy smile. In today’s blog, your Syosset, NY, dentist talks about how we perfect your smile with advanced laser technology in our gum… Read more »

Correcting Imperfections With Bonding And Contouring

syosset bonding contouring

When you have multiple smile imperfections, from issues with the shape and color to exposed gaps, we could offer treatment with dental bonding and contouring. These offer improvements in only one visit! In today’s blog, your Syosset, NY, dentist talks about how we use these procedures to correct imperfections.

How Do We Remove Your Teeth Stains?

Syosset teeth whitening

When you have dental discoloration, this could make you feel self-conscious about your appearance. To help improve your confidence, we could either remove stains with teeth whitening, or mask them with bonding or veneers. In today’s blog, your Syosset, NY, dentist talks about removing teeth stains.

Schedule Your 2022 Oral Cancer Screening 

Syosset oral cancer screening

When was the last time you had an oral cancer screening? To help safeguard the health of our patients, we recommend one at least once a year as part of one of your six month checkup and cleaning visits. In today’s blog, your Syosset, NY, dentist talks about how we perform a screening with accuracy… Read more »

Better Sleep In 2022 With A Sleep Apnea Appliance 

Syosset sleep apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a serious disorder that not only leaves sufferers exhausted, but also complicates oral health. Snoring is often a warning sign. To prevent these issues from causing poor rest and straining your immune system and heart health, your Syosset, NY, dentist could recommend a sleep apnea appliance.