Category: Restorative Dentistry Syosset LI NY

3 Things to Do when Your Tooth Cracks

A cracked or fractured tooth is a common dental emergency, but it isn’t always an obvious one. For example, some teeth become fractured due to accidental trauma, which is typically noticeable, while others may crack under continuous, excessive pressure (such as bruxism). When patients in Syosset, NY, experience a cracked or fractured tooth, then the… Read more »

What Will It Take to Rehabilitate Your Smile?

Restoring your smile is generally a much simpler and more effective process these days thanks to innovative dental technologies and materials. This is especially good news for patients in Syosset, NY, who have several different dental health issues to deal with. Full-mouth rehabilitation is the process of developing a customized plan that takes all of… Read more »

What Advantages Do Modern Tooth Fillings Offer?

No matter how advanced dental treatments have become, there are still several common concerns that often threaten people’s smiles. Cavities, which are the result of bacteria infecting healthy tooth structure (known as tooth decay), are the most frequent of such concerns. They’re highly preventable with consistently excellent hygiene and regular preventive dental car, but it… Read more »

How Partial Crowns Fully Restore Teeth

Preventing dental diseases typically means effectively preventing oral bacteria from harming your teeth and periodontal tissues. However, even clean and healthy teeth are not indestructible, and when your tooth cracks or breaks, then preventing further damage requires restoring the tooth as soon as possible. It also requires preserving and protecting the healthy tooth structure that… Read more »

How Do You Fix a Broken Tooth?

When you take consistently good care of your teeth, they remain the strongest parts of your body. Covered by highly resilient tooth enamel – an incredibly strong layer of mineral crystals – healthy teeth can withstand an immense amount of bite pressure repeatedly every day. However, in many types of dental emergencies, a tooth may… Read more »

How Modern Fillings Mirror Dentistry’s Advancement

As much as dental technology and treatments have advanced over the years, the specifics of treating most dental conditions are still the same. For instance, if a cavity forms, then removing the bacteria and replacing the infected tooth structure is still the best way to treat it. However, modern dentistry now allows your dentist to… Read more »

3 Things a Crown Can Treat Best

One of the reasons why dental crowns have remained a popular treatment option for centuries is because their design is highly effective. A crown mimics the size, shape, and contours of your healthy, natural tooth, and is placed over the tooth to restore its entire visible structure. With advanced technology and materials, today’s crowns are… Read more »

How to Save Your Smile from a Cracked Tooth

Given the fact that your teeth are the strongest parts of your body, you may wonder how and why do they sometimes seem to crack so easily? The truth is, they don’t. For a tooth to crack or fracture, it must be exposed to immense pressure, such as from an uneven bite or accidental trauma…. Read more »

How Today’s Dental Crowns Save Smiles

When you think of protecting your teeth, you might first think of a mouthguard, or of good hygiene and dental care that keeps them strong and healthy. However, sometimes, you may need a bit of help protecting your teeth, especially if they already suffer damage from trauma or a spreading tooth infection. In many cases,… Read more »

Tooth Restoration vs. Full-Mouth Rehabilitation

With the right restorative dentistry treatment, your tooth can successfully recover from most issues such as a crack, fracture, progressive cavity, and more. However, when you have several teeth that need to be restored, or your compromised tooth is coupled with bite misalignment or other issues, then you may require more than a single restoration…. Read more »