If Your Teeth Could Choose Their Diet

If you’ve listened to your dentist, then you probably know that indulging on certain foods too much can lead to several negative consequences for your oral health. For instance, eating too much sugar can accelerate the processes that lead to tooth decay. However, what you eat can also be a huge benefit to your smile when you choose the right nutrients. Like the rest of your body, the structures that make up your smile also need ample minerals and nutrients to stay healthy. If it could choose its own diet, it would include many of these ingredients.

The healthiest foods

  • Dairy foods – Milk and dairy products contain a wealth of essential nutrients for your smile. Most notably, they have a large amount of calcium, phosphate, and vitamin D – minerals that your tooth enamel needs to stay strong and resilient. The rest of your oral tissues and structures also need these nutrients. However, if you can’t eat dairy, or choose not to, then be sure to supplement these nutrients throughout the rest of your diet.
  • Fruits and veggies – Fruits and veggies also contain plenty of calcium, as well as other vitamins and minerals that your smile needs for optimal health. In addition, crunchy fruits and vegetables can act as a natural cleaner, gently scrubbing away plaque from your teeth as you eat them. The water content in most fruits and vegetables add the bonus of helping to neutralize the harmful bacteria in plaque.
  • Chocolate – Too much chocolate could be hazardous to your oral and overall health, but in moderation, it can actually help provide you with several vital nutrients. The most important of these include a variety of antioxidants, particularly flavonoids, that help you fight off harmful microbes and the diseases they can cause.

Caring for your long-term oral health

Keeping your smile healthy in the long-term takes more than just brushing and flossing your teeth, but also feeding your smile all the nutrients it needs. For more information, schedule a consultation by calling Syosset Dental in Syosset, NY today at 516-433-2211 or 516-921-1678.