We don’t just rely on our teeth whitening procedures to address cosmetic complaints. We also help people with misshapen teeth or unsightly gaps, often in only one visit! In today’s blog, your Syosset, NY, dentist is discussing the cosmetic benefits of our one-visit dental bonding and contouring procedures.
The Bonding Process
Dental bonding allows our team to address several cosmetic and restorative issues in a single sitting. To begin, we administer a local numbing agent to help you feel comfortable and relaxed throughout the procedure. Next, we remove any decay and clean the tooth thoroughly. Afterward, we prepare and place the composite resin material in several layers. This material is metal-free, blending glass-like and acrylic particles to create a durable restorative material that can also be shaded to blend with your smile. We also employ this material in our tooth-colored fillings. After we apply the material, the dentist will sculpt and mold your tooth to improve esthetics, all the while the composite resin cures under a light. The last step is to polish the material thoroughly.
Cosmetic Improvement
The process helps mask teeth stains, the kind that could form beneath your enamel and be difficult to remove with traditional whitening systems. We could also repair chips and cracks, which not only improves esthetics, but prevents the onset of tooth decay and dental infection. We could also address gaps between teeth, including the small black triangle spaces. Placement could address misshapen teeth as well, and add length to ones worn down by teeth grinding or clenching. In only one visit, you could see substantial cosmetic improvement, customized for your smile.
How We Contour a Tooth
We also have a more minor esthetic treatment, one that could occur in the same sitting. Dental contouring doesn’t involve adding materials to the tooth. Instead, we address esthetic concerns by gently sanding and buffing the outer structure. The procedure could correct the appearance of chipped teeth, reshape malformed teeth, and even correct overly large teeth. We dull portions that are jagged or sharp, and also smooth out surface imperfections like grooves, pits, and rough patches.
To find out if these procedures are right for you, first schedule a cosmetic consultation so we can examine your smile and identify esthetic issues. We will then talk to you about your hopes for your smile, and move forward with a personalized treatment plan. If you have any questions about this process, then contact our team today to learn more.
Syosset Dental Offers Cosmetic Restorations
A stunning smile that looks great is still possible with cosmetic care. If you have questions about the treatments we use to improve the overall beauty of your teeth, then contact our Syosset, NY dental office today at 516-433-2211.