Key Factors in Preventing or Treating Gum Disease

As you grow older, your risks for certain oral and overall health concerns can become increasingly higher. Gum disease (or periodontal disease) is one of those concerns, and if it’s allowed to develop, the resulting inflammation can have a significant impact on your oral health. Fortunately, preventing and treating gum disease is often more convenient and sustainable than many patients expect. If you haven’t yet developed it, excellent hygiene and dental care can help you avoid it. If you have, then the same methods – coupled with ongoing periodontal maintenance – can help you control it and prevent many of its more serious consequences.

Consistently caring for your smile

Consistency is key when it comes to every aspect of caring for your smile. That beings with your hygiene routine at home. Gum disease forms when groups of oral bacteria accumulate on your gum line. You can remove the plaque and stop it from infecting your gums by brushing your teeth twice and flossing at least once every day. Pay special attention to your gum line and angle your toothbrush to successfully brush away the accumulation of bacteria. For optimal results, ask your dentist about professional-strength, antibacterial mouth rinse to more successfully fight gum disease-causing plaque.

Taking the early signs seriously

The reason consistency is so important is because it doesn’t take much time for enough oral bacteria to accumulate and threaten your gums. If you slack in your daily hygiene routine or your schedule of professional dental care, then you may develop gum disease long before you realize it. Some of the earliest signs, such as redness in your gums or receding gum tissues, are often easy to overlook. If you notice them, or you see blood when you brush and floss, then take the signs seriously, even if they don’t cause any discomfort. The earlier you treat gum disease, the greater chance you have of stopping it from destroying your gum tissues.

Partnering with your dentist to maintain it

The most important thing to remember about treating gum disease is that, once it develops, it often doesn’t go away. If ignored, your gum disease will cause enough damage to your gums and jawbone that you lose one or more teeth, or have to have them extracted. The only way to stop the damage is to partner with your dentist to address it early and to professionally maintain your oral health for life. If it’s severe enough, you may require the help of a trusted periodontist who specializes in the treatment and management of gum disease.

Learn more about managing gum disease

Whether your goal is to prevent gum disease or treat it, you’ll need your dentist’s help to successfully protect your smile. For more information, schedule a visit by calling Syosset Dental in Syosset, NY, today at 516-433-2211 or 516-921-1678.