Is Your Snoring Habit a Sign of a More Serious Dental Problem?

Are you tired of being kicked and nudged by your sleeping partner at night to stop your snoring? If so, it’s time to find out what’s behind your snoring habit with the help of a professional, and Long Island dentist Dr. Richard Kobak is the man for the job.

Snoring vs. Sleep Apnea

First things first: A severe snoring habit and sleep apnea are not one and the same.

Snoring is the sound produced by oral tissues vibrating as air passes by them and, while a snoring habit can be indicative of sleep apnea, it’s not necessarily a “medical” condition. Sleep apnea, on the other hand, is a serious medical condition in which swollen tissue, sinus problems, excessive, weight, physical malformations, and other causes obstruct the airways, making it impossible to breath normally while you sleep. Usually, sleep apnea sufferers stop breathing several times each night, sometimes for up to a minute at a time, and then wake up gasping for air.

In addition to disturbing (and scaring) their sleep partners, sleep apnea patients’ lives are in danger every time they fall asleep, and they aren’t obtaining the sleep they need to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Diagnosing Sleep Apnea

The first step to diagnosing your sleep disorder is scheduling an appointment for a sleep study at a local sleep clinic. Once the sleep clinic evaluates your results and determines the severity of your condition, your treatment can begin.

If your sleep apnea is mild to moderate, Dr. Kobak can provide treatment with oral appliances. This process begins at your consultation appointment at Syosset Dental. After analyzing your sleep study results and discussing your symptoms, as well as examining your mouth and jaw position, Dr. Kobak will help you decide which treatment is right for you, and treatment can begin immediately.

Treating Sleep Apnea

The most common dental treatment for sleep apnea is the Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine. Consisting of a comfortable facemask connected by a flexible tube to a base unit that releases a solid stream of oxygen, CPAP machines have helped countless sleep apnea sufferers sleep soundly and comfortably. Unfortunately, CPAP doesn’t work for everyone, so Dr. Kobak also offers simple oral appliances to help his patients overcome their sleep apnea.

These appliances, the most common being a night guard worn during sleeping hours, comfortably hold the lower jaw slightly forward to eliminate airflow blockage. This keeps the tongue and soft oral tissues from interfering with normal breathing, helping you sleep deeply and stop snoring.

To reclaim a good night’s sleep and stop living your days in a fatigued and foggy daze, call Syosset Dental, located in Syosset, New York, at (516) 433-2211.