Category: Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dental Restoration With Porcelain Veneers

syosset placing veneers

If you have multiple issues with the appearance of your smile, including problems that cannot be treated with teeth whitening alone, you may need a cosmetic treatment that can address all of them at once. With custom porcelain veneers, we can offer just that! In today’s blog, your Syosset, NY, dentist offers porcelain veneers.

Cosmetic Care For Your Gummy Smile

syosset gum contouring

Teeth whitening can remove your discoloration, while bonding and contouring can reshape your teeth. But what if your cosmetic concern is related to your gums? What if an uneven gum line makes your teeth appear small or uneven? In these situations, you may need to see your Syosset, NY, dentist for gum contouring.

Using Bonding And Contouring To Transform Your Smile

syosset bonding and contouring

In our previous blog, we looked at how professional teeth whitening could brighten teeth by up to eight shades. But what about other cosmetic issues, like problems with the shape of the teeth or unsightly gaps between them? With dental bonding and contouring, your Syosset, NY, dentist could offer treatment for multiple cosmetic issues in… Read more »

Teeth Whitening Can Brighten Your Smile

syosset teeth whitening

Do you have discoloration on your smile? You can opt for store-bought solutions, but you may find the results are minor, short lived, and could cause tooth sensitivity. For dramatic results that last for months, we can use professional teeth whitening. In today’s blog, your Syosset, NY, dentist talks about our cosmetic treatment options.

A Total Smile Transformation With Our Veneers

syosset veneers

We want to not only brighten your smile, but also address issues with alignment, gaps, and the shape of the tooth too. To do so in only two visits, your Syosset, NY, dentist could offer a total smile transformation with our porcelain veneers, which instantly alter the shape and color of your teeth.

Perfecting Your Smile With Gum Contouring

syosset gum contouring

Our cosmetic procedures aren’t just focused on the shape and color of your teeth. We also have a unique treatment to sculpt the gums and address common esthetic issues, such as a gummy smile. In today’s blog, your Syosset, NY, dentist talks about how we perfect your smile with advanced laser technology in our gum… Read more »

Correcting Imperfections With Bonding And Contouring

syosset bonding contouring

When you have multiple smile imperfections, from issues with the shape and color to exposed gaps, we could offer treatment with dental bonding and contouring. These offer improvements in only one visit! In today’s blog, your Syosset, NY, dentist talks about how we use these procedures to correct imperfections.

How Do We Remove Your Teeth Stains?

Syosset teeth whitening

When you have dental discoloration, this could make you feel self-conscious about your appearance. To help improve your confidence, we could either remove stains with teeth whitening, or mask them with bonding or veneers. In today’s blog, your Syosset, NY, dentist talks about removing teeth stains.

Your Porcelain Veneers Will Look Natural

syosset veneers

When we see a smile that has several issues with the shape and color, or with gaps and misalignment, we could often use a single procedure to offer improvement. In today’s blog, your Syosset, NY, dentist will discuss how we use porcelain veneers to offer natural looking smile improvement in only two visits.

Gentle Gum Contouring With Laser Technology

syosset gum contouring treatment

What happens when issues arise that make your gums very apparent when you smile, or alters the appearance of your teeth? In these situations, your Syosset, NY, dentist could recommend a unique one-visit cosmetic treatment known as gum contouring. This could help improve smile beauty and fix your gummy smile!