What to Eat for Healthier Teeth

Most people already realize that what they eat has a significant impact on their overall health and wellbeing. For instance, if you don’t eat right, then you’re more likely to suffer consequences like obesity, diabetes, and complications with your cardiovascular health. What you may not realize, however, is that the same is true for your smile. Eating enough of the right combination of nutrients will help ensure that your teeth and gums remain strong and healthy for life. If you aren’t sure what to eat to promote healthier teeth, then follow our advice below and speak with your dentist about your eating habits during your next visit!

The Healthy Smile Diet

  • Crunchy fruits and veggies – They’re a common staple of a healthy, well-balanced diet. But crunchy fruits and vegetables (like apples and celery) can act as tiny, natural scrubbers that help clean your teeth of harmful plaque. Since they also contain lots of water, crunchy fruits and veggies can help promote a healthy, consistent flow of saliva, which is your mouth’s natural rinse.
  • Dairy products – Dairy products contain ample amounts of calcium and phosphate, which your teeth use to build and maintain their protective layer of enamel. Calcium is also a vital part of your body’s ability to fight infection and control inflammation, which are major contributors to gum disease.
  • Chocolate – Chocolate isn’t traditionally considered a healthy food, but more and more studies are proving that it can be a boon to your overall health thanks to its wealth of antioxidants. This also makes it a healthy choice for your smile (in moderation), since antioxidants and antibacterial properties help prevent and control progressive dental diseases.

Find out if what you eat is harming or helping your dental health, and how to craft your diet for a healthier, more beautiful smile! Speak with your dentist today by calling Syosset Dental in Syosset, NY today at 516-433-2211 or 516-921-1678. We proudly serve the residents of Syosset, Long Island, Nassau, Suffolk, and all surrounding New York City communities.