Get to Know More About Professional Teeth Whitening

It may be one of the most popular dental procedures today, but many patients still miss out on the dramatic benefits of professional teeth whitening. Teeth stains occur frequently, often despite excellent hygiene practices; fortunately, professional teeth whitening offers a quick, safe, and highly effective means to erase them and brighten your smile. With a choice of in-office treatment, which can be completed in just over an hour, or a take-home kit that you can apply at your own convenience, there is no reason not to ask your dentist about teeth whitening and what it can do for your smile!

Are you sure teeth whitening will brighten my smile?

Before electing for teeth whitening, your dentist will first ensure that the treatment will effectively brighten your smile. This means a thorough examination of your teeth to determine the type and severity of their stains. If stains are on the surfaces of your teeth, known as extrinsic stains, then teeth whitening will likely be the best option. If your teeth are discolored from within, such as from a cavity or internal tooth damage, then your dentist will recommend a more appropriate treatment to address the underlying issue.

How long will the results last?

Everyone’s smile and lifestyle is different, and the results of your teeth whitening treatment will depend on how well you care for your teeth afterward. Stains may be likely to appear again, but by brushing and flossing your teeth at least twice a day and visiting your dentist regularly, you can prolong your bright, beautiful smile longer.

If I have a porcelain crown or veneer, will teeth whitening brighten it?

If you’ve previously received a restoration such as a porcelain veneer or dental crown, then teeth whitening will not successfully brighten it. If your teeth have dulled but your porcelain restoration remains the same color, then teeth whitening might not be able to restore your smile’s uniformity. Before deciding on any cosmetic treatment, your dentist will consult with you to determine the best course of action for rejuvenating your smile’s appearance, including your existing dental work.

Don’t settle for stained teeth; breathe new life into your smile with professional teeth whitening! Speak with your dentist today by calling Syosset Dental in Syosset, NY today at 516-433-2211 or 516-921-1678. We proudly serve the residents of Syosset, Long Island, Nassau, Suffolk, and all surrounding New York City communities.